Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spinning Fast

It is so very true that we are horrible bloggers. I have never been one for writing thank you notes and I wish we could send out a newsletter every month. But like everyone else in this world we are strained by time and live mostly by the generosity of others, for which I could never communicate the depth of my grateful heart for such support.

The school year is winding down quickly and we are spinning with it. I have spent most of my life saying that I function well under stress, that I am more productive with more on my plate. I think that was true until three of the things on that plate were 4, 3, 20 months!

Here is a glimpse at what else has been on our plate recently:

I have been coaching the varsity girls soccer. We have made it to the finals. We play next week. I am so proud of the hard work these girls have given me. This is a first for their team. I have developed some amazing relationships with the girls!

Nathan is one of the coaches for the varsity boys. They have to win one more game next week to make it to the finals. We are hoping they do so! It will be such a HUGE thing for the school to have 2 teams in championship games! Either way I love watching the guys interact with Nathan. No doubt they love, respect and appreciate him!

Nathan is preparing for the senior graduation. He was chosen by the seniors from all the staff to be the main speaker. What an honor!!!

Nathan has helped keep the soccer league grounded. Things are typically done off the cuff and he has been helping them to stay planned ahead. I think my organizational skills have rubbed off!

Nathan has been driving our van all over town, full of kiddos. He is has been to the zoo with the K4 class on a field trip. To the planitarium with K4 and K5. He has taken classes for ice cream for different rewards throughout the school. Driving elementary kids to the local pool for swimming lessons. One of the first graders thought it fun to pull the fire extinguisher in the van...not so fun to clean up...dry powder everywhere!

Nathan was the boss man the day of the school fund raiser. Planning and pulling off a walk-a-thon for the whole school! There was a sea of blue t-shirts all over our local park!! He kept the school chapel laughing as he did some speed walking skits to keep them motivated to get sponsors!!!

We have a swinging door of people coming and going from our apartment. Something I love. I grew up with people coming and going and we love that our home is inviting and makes you want to stay!!!

I have been the project manager for Apartment A. It has been getting an entire face-lift! New tile floors, new tubs, new light fixtures, new window blinds, new paint, fans, kitchen cabinets re-painted. It was LONG overdue. I have been "trying" to keep the whip cracked on the painters and the tile guys, plumbers and electricans...all in Spanish mind you!!! I love doing this...wishing one day I could be an interior decorator. Missionaries need colorful inviting decorated homes too!!

You can imagine we change clothes 3 times a day and not un-necessarily. The laundry is my constant companion, Nathan, I am sure wishes it was more so!!

We have helped our friends who have been building a mission base for mission groups coming and for Christian Surfers. They are moving this weekend and we have helped at night as much as we could painting and cleaning getting ready for the big move. We are so grateful for the Cotton Family!

Last week I had two girls from my high school group come and spend 4 days with me. Sarah and Meg have been such a blessing to me. I am so honored that wanted to come and spend time with us. They loved on me lots. We did most of the city and markets and even got in some surfing lessons. A first for all of us! IT IS ALOT HARDER THAT IT LOOKS!!

One major task I have completed this semester has been a New Teacher Orientation Packet. CCA has new teachers each year and they are full of questions...I know bc I had so many. So I made a questionnaire for current teachers and families here and came up with a 37 page document about budgets, groceries, food, dress, school, etc.! I am quite proud of it and hope that it helps out the newbies and relieves some of our staff from the questions about moving to Panama!

I know we have more going on, I feel like we have sitters 4 nights a week and trying to keep the kids entertained and keep them from drawing on the walls or trying to make their own chocolate milk! This is all my feeble mind can think to remember! I am already overwhelmed remembering all that I need to wrap up before we leave to go back to the States for the summer.

13 days! Look out Chic-fil-A, PF Changs, BBQ joints, Target, Walmart(to name just a few) HERE COME THE RICHARDSONS!!!

Hope we get to see you...and hear about your crazy worlds. I know we are far from the only ones!!

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