Saturday, May 16, 2009

Worldly Possesions, Eartly Treasures

The past week has been full of trials, and feeling more attacked by Satan as we proclaim God and what he is doing.  We have confidence in the fact that everything is in God's control, but there were definetly angry moments of asking God "why is it happening like this?"  I believe that God is trying to prove over and over to us to lean on him.  I find myself thinking I have everything figured out in my head and he is wanting to prove that he is guiding us and that we are going to have to completely rely on Him.  One day I may learn to fully lean on Him.

We had our garage sale this weekend and it was such a blessing to "thin the herd" of our possessions.  It was great to know that we made people's day by giving them great deals on great stuff.  Clare was practically giving things away to any hispanic family that came. She has a great soft spot for hispanic people (Good thing we are heading to Panama).  Materiallistically I am ready to go, ready to get started in Panama, even though there is plenty left to do. 

Relationally, I am not close to being ready. We are in a great place surrounded by great friends and a family that loves us and our kids very well. I have found myself wondering "Why am I taking my kids away from this?"  It is very hard to answer at times as I feel like I am sacrificing my kids. Ro thanks God for her cousins every times she prays.  Thomas and Paige get to drop by regularly.  We get regular visits from both sets of grandparents.  Ro won
t let me sing in the car becuse she needs to practice so she can grow up and "sing with Drew and Ellie"  We got to go last night to see Drew and Ellie play probably for the last time before we go.  They were sweet to dedicate a song to us that they had written for our kids "Live Forever"  I could not catch my breath or swallow for half the song. It hit me, that as much as we are loved by our earthly family and friends, it does not come close to the love that our Father has for us. It's His love that I hope is shown to our kids and to us more and more through going on the mission field.  That is when I come to the realization that is what I am blessing my kids with. I am praying that they can learn to shower strangers with the love that is lavished on them.  We know that God is wanting us in Panama and we are excited to love people there, but we love those we are leaving here more than we can communicate.

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3

1 comment:

  1. And....still crying! We'll join you in the prayer that Ro, Essie, and Field will be richly impacted by the love of God while you're away. We love you guys more than we know how to communicate as well. Hence, the song...

    "Take courage when the road is long
    And don't ever forget that you're never alone."
