Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2003 to May 24, 2013...10 Years.

10 Years.
4 Pregnancies.
5 Kiddos.
1 Dog.
Countless Geckos.
8 Moves. (1 International)
1 Apartment.
1 House Remodeled with our own 2 hands.
1 Apartment.
1 House built.
1 Pitstop at Parents.
1 Pitstop at Aunt and Uncle's.
1 Apartment Remodeled.
1 Pitstop at Aunt and Uncle's.
1 Apartment Doubled in Size Addition.
2 Grandparents Buried.
2 New Sister in Laws.
6 Nieces.
2 Nephews.
1 Major Back Surgery.
6 Emergency Room Visits.
1 Set of Stitches.
1 Cat Scan.
1 Broken Bone.
6 Vehicles.
2 Stolen Vehicles.
1 Car Break-in.
1 Apartment Break-in.
2 Teaching Jobs.
1 Nanny Job.
1 Preschool Job.
1 Design Job.
33 Teams Coached or ADed. (Football, Wrestling, Track, Basketball, Soccer)
Countless Tennis Shoes!
2 Building Jobs.
1 Door to Door selling Pest Control Job.
2 Lost Jobs.
3 Months Unemployment.
1 Business Started.
Countless Clients.
1 Ministry Started.
Countless Supporters.
3 small groups.
Many best friends.
10 years of women's Bible Studies.
2 years of men's Bible Studies in US.
2 years of men's Bible Studies in Panama.
10 Cell Phones.
2 Banks.
2 Dwell Cities.
2 Dwell Countries.
1 Honeymoon.
1 Babymoon.
1 Anniversamoon.
1 Garage Sale.
2 Mac Home computer.
3 Laptops.
1 IPad.
1 IPad mini.
3 Ipods.
4 Nanos. (Don't ask!)
3 Infant Carriers.
6 Carseats. (Stateside and International)
4 Boosters Seats.
1 Set of Bunk Beds.
5 Different Cribs. (some borrowed...some handmedowns)
4 Double Strollers.
3 Single Strollers.
1 Set of Stainless Silverware.
1 Set of Tervis Tumblers.
1 Mattress.
3 Sheets of Queen Sheets.
3 Sets of Towels.
3 Duvets. (Just started on 3rd!)
1 Set of Pillows.
Bi weekly visits to Target/Walmart reduced to Less than 5 a Year.
3 Tooth Fairy Visits.
3 Kitchen Tables
1 Bible each.
8 Children's Bibles.
Where do we stop!

We started with a foundation. We have built on top of that, some of it has stayed some of it torn down...But the foundation is still strong. So grateful that I waited. I waited for the right man and God gave me you, Nathan Richardson! What a happy happy day it was to marry you! I wouldn't change a thing....well maybe the fact that I was on Valium bc I herniated a disc in my back a few days before....but at least I don't remember the back pain!

Loved laughing in bed last night trying to remember what we imagined the first 10 years of marriage to hold. I know it was way different than what we were thinking...but it has been so much better! Can't wait to see what the next 10 years has! I know I wasn't expecting to build a house and sell it less than a year later to move to Panama or expecting to ever be a missionary or expecting a 15 passenger van much less 2 and both stolen and never in my wildest dreams did I expect twins!! The last 10 years have been boring.....hope to be REALLY blown away the next 10! 

You have given me so much and not one thing holds value to me in any way close than to you and our 5 babies....and as you reminded me this week that I have expensive taste...I do and I know I am blessed!

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